I got an interesting email from a gentleman identifying himself as Eitan Gorlin referencing a story I wrote about the claim
Sarah Palin did not know Africa was a Continent.
Mark, Eitan Gorlin here, one of the two guys who created Martin Eisenstadt. Wanted to let you know that your comments concerning Sarah Palin and the Martin Eisenstadt "hoax" are completely and wholly inaccurate which by the way was one of the central points we were trying to make with our Eisenstadt adventure, that even the best intentioned journalists always seem to get something wrong. Martin Eisenstadt DID NOT spread the rumor that Sarah Palin didn't know that Africa is a continent. She really did say that. I refer you to "The Persecution of Sarah Palin", Mathew Continetti's book, in which he admits that Sarah Palin made those comments. Also, I refer you to this link (www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJv0q5xk-Uc&feature=related) where Sarah Palin herself essentially admits to making those comments in a classic non-denial denial. Plus, you're forgetting (or never knew, yet still wrote an article about it that many will assume as fact) that this leak was made to a specific individual, Carl Cameron of FOX. You don't think Carl Cameron, a true Republican insider, didn't know whether his source was a real person or not. So to st the record straight, our fake McCain advisor did not issue the leak. He simply took credit for it after the fact as it was made anonymously. If you are an honest journalist, you will correct this error. Thanks and good luck.
I have to stipulate that I find the story just a little bit dubious. Gorlin claims that his made up character was not the original source of the story, but in that case the source remains anonymous. The original New York Times does claim that a number of news organizations were taken in by the hoax and ran the story as a result.
The YouTube video the gentleman identifying himself as Eiten Gorlin references has been removed by the user, so I cannot verify that it showed what the emailer claimed that it showed.
What we have, therefore, is an old, unsubstantiated story about Sarah Palin among quite a few others, many of which have been proven false. So take the above email, as I do, with a grain of salt.
Addendum: Rich Lowery of National Review
had a comment on the issue at the time.
I talked to Steve Biegun, the former Bush NSC aid who briefed Sarah Palin on foreign policy, and he considers the leaks against her on the international stuff “absurd.”
He says there’s no way she didn’t know Africa was a continent, and whoever is saying she didn’t must be distorting “a fumble of words.” He talked to her about all manner of issues relating to Africa, from failed states to the Sudan. She was aware from the beginning of the conflict in Darfur, which is followed closely in evangelical churches, and was aware of Clinton’s AIDS initiative. That basically makes it impossible that she thought all of Africa was a country.
That should clear things up.