Random thoughts on politics, current events, popular culture, and whatever else interests me.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Why Sarah Palin is Running for President
In the wake of the official premiere in Pella, Iowa, of her biographical film "The Undefeated," former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is still keeping people guessing. "Will she or won't she?" Run for president, that is.
2012 election,
sarah palin
Dennis Kucinich Praises Bashir Assad While Syrian Troops Massacre Protesters
Rep. Dennis Kucinich wandered into the midst of the brutal crackdown that Bashir Assad is conducting in Syria recently and said some remarkable things about the popular uprising and the government that is being risen against.
bashir assad,
dennis kucinich,
Mainstream Media Becoming Disenchanted with Obama
Mark Halperin, an editor at large for Time Magazine, made a rather caustic assessment of President Barack Obama's performance at his Thursday news conference. Halperin said that the president was a "d---" on MSNBC.
barack obama,
mark halberin
Obama Continues Policy of Appeasement with Muslim Brotherhood
Continuing a policy of engaging America's enemies, the Obama administration has opened formal contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood, the world's oldest Islamic terrorist organization. Why it has done so is inexplicable.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Obama's Attack on Corporate Jets Latest Last-Ditch Jab at Republicans
President Obama, in a press conference that covered a wide variety of issues, has found a new enemy of the people: owners of corporate jets. It seems tax breaks for corporate jets are bad for children and other living things.
barack obama,
corporate jets
Revelation That Bill Maher Could Have Mental Disorder Unsurprising
People who watch Bill Maher's show on HBO have taken note of a recent tendency of his to trash conservative women in the most vulgar way imaginable. A psychiatrist and Fox News analyst suggests that there is something wrong with Maher mentally.
bill maher
'Imagine' John Lennon as a Reaganite Republican
Fred Seaman, who worked with John Lennon for about a year before the former Beatle's untimely death, revealed that Lennon had changed his politics drastically during his last days from his dope-smoking, peacenik days, according to the Toronto Sun.
john lennon,
ronald reagan
Obama Plan to Spy on Doctors Stopped -- for Now
The Department of Health and Human Services has dropped, at least for now, a project that would have employed "mystery shoppers" -- or, as some would term them, spies -- to investigate doctors who refuse to see new patients.
health care reform,
Recap: 'Covert Affairs,' Season 2, Episode 4, 'All the Right Friends'
In "Covert Affairs," Season 2, Episode 4, "All the Right Friends," Annie finds herself flying down Argentina way with Carlo, an Italian spy who is to be swapped for someone on an isolated air strip near Buenos Aires.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Second Palin Documentary in the Works; She was 'Unengaged' at Meetings
As "The Undefeated," the biop of Sarah Palin, makes its world premiere in Pella, Iowa, British filmmaker Nick Broomfield is shopping another documentary on the former Alaska governor with a slightly different slant.
nick broomfield,
sarah palin
Michele Bachmann Gets it Right About Founding Fathers, Slavery
One would think, after the Paul Revere kerfuffle in which Sarah Palin was proved right and her critics wrong about Revere warning the British, the media would have been a little hesitant about challenging a righty woman politician on history.
Iranian Missile Threat Compounded by Appeasement, Budget Concerns
NewsMax's Ken Timmerman is reporting that Iran is making remarkable strides in the development of nuclear capable missiles that will be able to hit targets throughout the Middle East and in many parts of Europe.
Bias Against Mormons a Problem for Romney, Huntsman
The Washington Examiner's Byron York discusses a not unknown fact that some Americans have such a problem with the Mormon religion that they would not vote for a Mormon for president.
jon huntsman,
mitt romney,
Charlie Sheen Loses on 'Two and a Half Men,' Wins with Sitcom Deal
Charlie Sheen, an actor whose off-screen antics have proved to be even more entertaining than his onscreen roles, has proved that one can both lose and win when it comes to playing the Hollywood game.
charlie sheen,
two and a half men
Monday, June 27, 2011
Paul Spudis offers as clear eyed an assessment of the trouble we find ourselves in concerning space as I have ever read in NASA Shifts Into Neutral.
Naturally the rage against him will be without limit and without end.
Addendum: In an obvious effort to prove me a prophet, Clark Lindsey launches a vicious attack that is filled with strawmen and misrepresentations. Paul, contrary to what Lindsey claims, was never a particular fan of the Constellation approach. The heavy lifter he favors is not the one that is being developed either. This is just the sort of dishonesty and zealotry that has really poisoned discussions on space policy and has eroded the credibility of the group of people I have called the Internet Rocketeer Society, Lindsey's attack was particularly interesting, considering that he has lost confidence in the whole commercial crew operation. Thus one wonders what his beef is.
Of course, Rand Simberg, as usual missing the point, adds his two cents.
Meanwhile Keith Cowing takes the position of remain calm, all is well.
Naturally the rage against him will be without limit and without end.
Addendum: In an obvious effort to prove me a prophet, Clark Lindsey launches a vicious attack that is filled with strawmen and misrepresentations. Paul, contrary to what Lindsey claims, was never a particular fan of the Constellation approach. The heavy lifter he favors is not the one that is being developed either. This is just the sort of dishonesty and zealotry that has really poisoned discussions on space policy and has eroded the credibility of the group of people I have called the Internet Rocketeer Society, Lindsey's attack was particularly interesting, considering that he has lost confidence in the whole commercial crew operation. Thus one wonders what his beef is.
Of course, Rand Simberg, as usual missing the point, adds his two cents.
Meanwhile Keith Cowing takes the position of remain calm, all is well.
Rod Blagojevich's Fall, Conviction No Tragedy
In the retrial of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, the jury found him guilty of 17 of 20 counts. The jury deadlocked on two of the counts and found Blagojevich not guilty on a third, according to the Chicago Tribune.
Rod Blagojevich
Will the Government Force People to Eat 'Test Tube Meat?'
Scientists in Holland claim they are on the verge of creating ground beef using stem cells. Before one gets excited about putting some of these test tube patties on the grill, one has to note that the lab meat is by all accounts unappetizing.
test tube meat
TSA Abandons All Common Decency, Sense with Newest Strip Search Outrage
Just when one thought the TSA could not behave more outrageously, the story of a 95-year-old woman, bound to a wheelchair and dying of leukemia, being patted-down and strip-searched past her adult diaper proves one wrong.
airport security,
Recap: 'Falling Skies,' Season 1, Episode 3, 'Prisoner of War'
As "Falling Skies," Season 1, Episode 2, "Prisoner of War" begins, Tom and company are scouting an area where the harnessed kids are gathering scrap metal under the watchful eyes of skitters and mechs.
falling skies,
science fiction,
Recap: 'True Blood,' Season 4, Episode 1, 'She's Not There'
"True Blood," Season 4, Episode 1, "She's Not There" finds Sookie in the land of the fairies, which seems a pleasant enough place, especially when she finds her long-lost grandpa, as young-looking as he was when he vanished 20 years ago.
true blood. hbo,
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Chris Wallace to Michele Bachmann: 'Are You a Flake?'
Addendum: Wallace apologizes.
One has to admire Chris Wallace for having stones. No one else, not even his legendary father, Mike Wallace of "60 Minutes" fame, would have turned to a serious presidential candidate like Chris Wallace did with Michele Bachmann and inquire, "Are you a flake?"
Addendum: Wallace apologizes.
What If President Obama Just Ignored the Debt Ceiling?
The New Republic has a somewhat chilling scenario concerning the debt ceiling controversy. What if, having failed to reach an agreement with Congress, President Barack Obama ignores the law and keeps issuing new debt anyway?
Saturday, June 25, 2011
New York Legalizes Same Sex Marriage: A Conservative Perspective
Friday night, New York became the latest state of the union to permit same sex marriage. It was the cause of much rejoicing in New York's gay community and considerable grumbling among social conservatives.
Sarah Palin, Media in Tow, to Attend Iowa Premiere of 'The Undefeated'
Sarah Palin will attend the premiere of the documentary film based on her life and career, "The Undefeated", in Pella, Iowa, on Tuesday. Both the date and the place seem to have been carefully chosen.
Janeane Garofalo Discusses the Tea Party and Clarence Thomas with Keith Olbermann
Proving that being downgraded from the worst performing cable TV network, MSNBC, to Current TV, Al Gore's version of cable access, Keith Olbermann interviewed Janeane Garofalo on the new version of "Countdown."
Peter Falk, TV's 'Lt. Columbo', Dies at 83
Peter Falk, who will forever be known as TV's Columbo, has died peaceful at the age of 83 from complications of dementia and Alzheimer's. Falk also appeared in a number of movies, such as "The Princess Bride" and "A Woman under the Influence."
Friday, June 24, 2011
Split U.S. House Vote on Libya Unlikely to Impact Campaign
The U.S. House of Representatives sent mixed signals Friday concerning President Obama's intervention in the Libyan civil war. According to the Associated Press, the House has rejected both a measure that would have authorized the intervention and a measure that would have defunded it.
Extending Keystone Pipeline Makes Good Energy, Security Sense
TransCanada is planning to extend an existing oil pipeline that runs from oil fields in Alberta to Oklahoma south to refineries in Texas. This $13 billion project would create 20,000 jobs in the United States.
Despite Speculation, Obamas Unlikely to Launch Political Dynasty
Radio talk show host Michael Medved presents what for many will be a nightmare scenario: Even if President Obama were defeated for reelection next year, America will not see the last of him or of the name "Obama."
Recap: 'Burn Notice,' Season 5, Episode 1, 'Company Man'
In "Burn Notice," Season 5, Episode 1, "Company Man," Michael Weston, having provided his former employers proof that he was burned unjustly and the list of those who did it, is now back in the good graces of the CIA.
Season 6 of 'Futurama' Resumes with 'Neutopia' and 'Benderama'
Season 6 of "Futurama" has picked up again with two back-to-back episodes. Each of the episodes employs the science fiction touch of using a premise and then, in the great "Futurama" style, carrying it past the logical conclusion.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Military Chiefs Mullen and Petraeus Disagree with Obama Afghan Pullout Timetable
Two of America's top military leaders have hinted that they disagree with the pace of President Obama's troop withdraw from Afghanistan. By so doing, Admiral Michael Mullen and General David Petraeus have increased the president's political risks.
Debt Ceiling Talks Collapse Leaves Obama with Unpleasant Options
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has pulled out of the debt ceiling talks being conducted by Vice President Biden, according to The Daily Caller. Cantor has cited demands by Democrats that taxes be raised as part of a deficit reduction package for his departure.
Tom Hanks is an actor without peer and has done great service in his roles in such films as Apollo 13 and Saving Private Ryan. As a producer, he has done even greater service with From Earth to the Moon, Band of Brothers, Pacific War, and John Adams.
But, like a lot of other people in Hollywood, his political judgment beggars understanding.
Leaving aside the demise, which I supported, of Don't Ask, don't tell, one has to respond, "Billions of jobs, Tom? Seriously?"
Of course revelations of corruption on an epic scale concerning the government's management of GM might temper Hanks' enthusiasm should he choose to look into it.
But one supposes if one is emotionally vested in a president, even one who has created multiple disasters at home and abroad, one has to find something to hold onto.
But, like a lot of other people in Hollywood, his political judgment beggars understanding.
Hanks, a longtime Democrat, went on to say that the president has not only lived up to his expectations but “expanded” them.
Said Hanks, “If you would have told me a few years ago that ‘don't ask, don't tell’ would be repealed and about a billion jobs at General Motors and Chrysler would have been saved because the president was smart enough and strong enough and bold enough to do so, I would have said, 'Wow. That's a good president, I think I'll vote for him again.'”
Leaving aside the demise, which I supported, of Don't Ask, don't tell, one has to respond, "Billions of jobs, Tom? Seriously?"
Of course revelations of corruption on an epic scale concerning the government's management of GM might temper Hanks' enthusiasm should he choose to look into it.
But one supposes if one is emotionally vested in a president, even one who has created multiple disasters at home and abroad, one has to find something to hold onto.
Pottermore Will Advance Boy Wizard's Cultural Contribution to Online World
Ending considerable speculation, author J.K. Rowling has announced what the new Harry Potter website, Pottermore, will entail. Pottermore is apparently a part web-based version of the books, part virtual universe.
How Alien Invasion Shows like 'Fallen Skies' Get it Wrong
Lileks, a marvelous Internet satirist, has watched "Fallen Skies" and has some awkward questions about the mechanics of an alien invasion of Earth. The depiction on TV and in the movies has them all wrong.
Jury Duty to Delay Next Sarah Palin Bus Trip
One of the full-time jobs Sarah Palin must undertake, besides wife, mom, politician, possible presidential candidate, and source of rage from the left, is correcting media reports about her. A case in point concerned future bus trips.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Prospective Death of Hugo Chavez Has Many Benefits for Latin America
Did Hugo Chavez, the dictator of Venezuela who has been giving the United States grief for most of the last decade, go to Cuba recently for surgery? Now rumors have started that his condition is worse than reported.
Education Department Gets Draconian with Sexual Harassment Recommendations
According to the Washington Examiner, the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights has sent a 19 page letter to colleges and universities which contains, among other things, some recommendations on how to deal with sex crimes
An interesting point/counterpoint on the future of human space flight. Keith Reed says all is lost where as Justin Kluger retorts don't worry, be happy.
The truth, of course, lays between the two extremes. President Obama has crippled space exploration and is about to do the same to commercial space, taking into account complaints by some commercial space advocates. But fortunately these decisions can be reversed after Obama is replaced.
The truth, of course, lays between the two extremes. President Obama has crippled space exploration and is about to do the same to commercial space, taking into account complaints by some commercial space advocates. But fortunately these decisions can be reversed after Obama is replaced.
Gore Continues Global Warming Crusade with Jabs at Obama, Overpopulation
Al Gore, the former vice president, former presidential candidate, and current crusader against global warming, has resurfaced in the news on two fronts: one a criticism of President Obama's environmental record, the other a call for population control.
Recap: 'Covert Affairs,' Season 2, Episode 3, 'Bang and Blame'
In "Covert Affairs," Season 2, Episode 3, "Bang and Blame," Annie's next mission, should she choose to accept it, is to return to the Farm, complete her training, and find out who is outing promising CIA trainees.
Food Subject of Latest Power Play from Obama Administration
The Obama administration, ever eager to find more ways to tell Americans what they should do for their own good, is seriously considering regulating food much as tobacco is now regulated. According to the Daily Caller, this regulation may extend to gross labels on fattening foods.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Could 'Sarah Palin's Alaska' Get an Emmy?
The Los Angeles Times is reporting that whatever her political future, Sarah Palin may potentially get an Emmy for her reality show, "Sarah Palin's Alaska," which aired last year on The Learning Channel.
Jon Huntsman Election 2012's Mushy Moderate
Jon Huntsman, former governor of Utah and former ambassador to China, announced his candidacy for the presidency in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty Tuesday. Huntsman echoed Ronald Reagan, who announced at the same place for his 1980 run.
Newt Gingrich's Campaign Sinking Fast with Latest Departures
Yet another disaster has befallen the Newt Gingrich campaign with the sudden resignation of his fundraising director and a fundraising consultant, according to the Associated Press. This and the recent mass resignation of his campaign staff is a huge vote of no confidence.
NPR Remarks About Taliban Another Reason to Defund Public Broadcasting
David Meyers, writing in The Daily Caller, relates how an NPR reporter named John Hockenberry confirmed the worst suspicions that people have about the quality of reporting at NPR and the bias of its reporters.
Jon Stewart Gets it Wrong About 'Misinformed' Fox News Viewers
While he was crossing swords with "Fox News Sunday's" Chris Wallace, "The Daily Show's" Jon Stewart made the following claim about the alleged ignorance of Fox News viewers that, on close examination, turned out to be wide of reality.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Keeping Redneck Hick Southerners from Taking Manufacturing Jobs
Thomas Geoghegan, apparently a big supporter of labor unions, has weighed in on the controversy over the NLRB attempting to stop Boeing from using a manufacturing plant in South Carolina.
Farrakhan's Slam Against Obama About Money, Not Principle
Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, is not very pleased with President Barack Obama two and a half years into his administration. Farrakhan has called the president "a murderer in the White House," according to The Root.
Recap: 'Game of Thrones,' Season 1, Episode 10, 'Fire and Blood'
In the rousing climax for the first season of "Game of Thrones," "Fire and Blood" does not disappoint. King Joffrey's ill-considered beheading of Ned Stark is going to have consequences in the history of this troubled world.
'Falling Skies' a Promising Start to Post-Alien Invasion
"Falling Skies," Season 1, Episode 1, "Pilot" starts a few months after the aliens conquer the Earth and 90 percent of the human race is dead. Most of the major cities are annihilated. The remnants of humanity are on the run.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Texas Gov. Rick Perry Thrills Republican Audience in New Orleans
Addendum: Rand Simberg imagines a choice exchange at the Perry. Obama debate.
Addendum: Rand Simberg imagines a choice exchange at the Perry. Obama debate.
Candidate Perry: My state gained a million jobs with no state income tax and a part-time legislature that meets every other year.
Candidate Obama: But Bush was my predecessor. I inherited what he left.
Candidate Perry: Ditto.
Jon Stewart Argues with Chris Wallace About Fox News
Jon Stewart, the liberal satirist who's "The Daily Show" is much admired by his slacker, stoner audience appeared on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace. Stewart managed to insult Fox News while praising the host.
Sheila Jackson Lee is Worried About Christian Militants
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas never disappoints when it comes to doing or saying something off putting. That was the case at a hearing about Muslim radicalization in prisons when she expressed worry about "Christian militants", according to CNS News.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Senate Armed Services Votes to Kill Free Electron Laser, Electromagnetic Rail Gun
According to Wired Magazine, the Senate Armed Services Committee has voted to cancel funding for two high tech weapons systems that the United States Navy has been developing to fight wars of the future.
Obama Ignores Administration Lawyers' Advice on Libyan Intervention
According to the New York Times, President Obama ignored the advice of lawyers at the Defense and Justice Departments who told him that his intervention in Libya would be covered under the War Powers Act.
'Green Lantern' Pits Will Against Fear in Comic Book Actioner
"Green Lantern", starring Ryan Reynolds in the title role, is the latest movie to be based on a comic book super hero. Along with the action and the somewhat second rate special effects, there is some interesting subtext.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Drunken Driver Having Sex at 85 MPH Raises More than Legal Questions
The Washington Post is reporting about a lawsuit taking place in Fairfax County, Va., the details of which are so bizarre that they beggar the capacity to believe. It involves a drunken man having sex while driving 85 miles an hour.
Clark Lindsey may be waking up to the fact that along with massive government subsidies, there are also massive government rules where it comes to commercial space.
I have been warning people that having the government as the majority investor in commercial space as well as the sole customer (at least for now) is a prescription for trouble. For my pains I have been called names and accused of being in favor of socialism. But now it looks like I have a measure of vindication. It give me no pleasure, as I truly want commercial space to succeed. But contrary to the position of the Internet Rocketeer Club, it looks like the Obama approach is not the way to accomplish that goal.
Much more anon.
Addendum: Lindsey is suggesting in the comments that SpaceX and the other "new space" companies will pull out of the commercial program given the scenario he posits. I'm not sure about the other companies, but I'd be willing to bet that Elon Musk will stay in so long as the government handouts keep flowing. He has been adroit as using the tax payers as a piggy bank for his various enterprises.
Unfortunately, there are signs that NASA management may find its own way to undermine the commercial crew program. The statement from the Commercial Spaceflight Federation this week hints that there are moves within NASA to run CCDev not in the commercial services approach taken with COTS, and to a great extent by the USAF with the EELV program, but in the standard NASA top-down, sub-contractor procurement mode. This will bring in a huge array of rules and procedures that will drive costs up and up.
I have been warning people that having the government as the majority investor in commercial space as well as the sole customer (at least for now) is a prescription for trouble. For my pains I have been called names and accused of being in favor of socialism. But now it looks like I have a measure of vindication. It give me no pleasure, as I truly want commercial space to succeed. But contrary to the position of the Internet Rocketeer Club, it looks like the Obama approach is not the way to accomplish that goal.
Much more anon.
Addendum: Lindsey is suggesting in the comments that SpaceX and the other "new space" companies will pull out of the commercial program given the scenario he posits. I'm not sure about the other companies, but I'd be willing to bet that Elon Musk will stay in so long as the government handouts keep flowing. He has been adroit as using the tax payers as a piggy bank for his various enterprises.
Which President is Obama: Jimmy Carter or Herbert Hoover?
There have been a number of articles now arguing over which past president Barack Obama most represents. Unlike previous pieces comparing him to Kennedy or Lincoln or FDR, these have a more stern analysis for the president.
Palin Likely to Draw Out Suspense on Presidency Announcement
The American Spectator blog, based on an interview with an unnamed Republican source, announced that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is expected to announce whether or not she will run for president by next week.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Bill Maher Endorses Ron Paul, but Slimes Sarah Palin ... Again
Bill Maher, HBO's star political ranter, was on CNN's Anderson Cooper show to talk about the New Hampshire Republican debate. Of the candidates, with one exception, it was a matter of which one Maher hated the least according to the Daily Caller.
Anthony Weiner Farewell Speech Turns into a Fiasco
Nothing quite so suited the whole sordid squalor of the Anthony Weiner scandal than its ending, which took place at a senior citizens center where Weiner had announced the bid for his first political office, on the New York City Council, 20 years ago, according to Real Clear Politics.
Obama Argues No 'Hostilities' Exist Between Libya, United States
In a curious reversal of roles, Republicans and some liberal Democrats in Congress are pressing President Obama on Libya over the War Powers Act. Obama is claiming the act does not apply because America is not engaged in "hostilities," according to the New York Times.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Senator Richard Shelby is suddenly in favor of competitive bidding for the heavy lift Space Launch System (at least for the side mounted boosters.) I sense that a deal has been struck that will benefit Alabama no matter who wins the competition. NASA may even have agreed to stop slow walking the SLS.
More anon.
More anon.
DNC Chair Delusional to Think Democrats Created Economic Recovery
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who for reasons known only to President Obama is chair of the Democratic National Committee, doubled down on her assertion to David Gregory that the economy is in a turnaround and the Democrats are responsible.
Israel, Palestine Should Look to Kirk, Not Spock, in Resolving Dispute
Leonard Nimoy is not the logical half Vulcan/half human who served in Star Fleet. But he has played one on TV and in the movies. This apparently has made Nimoy an expert on the Middle East conflict.
Treasure Hunter Sets Dangerous Course Hunting Bin Laden's Body
Bill Warren, a professional treasure hunter, is headed to the Arabian Sea for something a little different than a Spanish galleon filled with gold doubloons. Warren is after the body of Osama bin Laden, according to the Daily Mail.
'Covert Affairs' Takes on American-Israeli Relations with Spy Caper
In "Covert Affairs," Season 2, Episode 2, "Good Advices," Annie is, of course, excited to be sent to Paris on an assignment. If one has to lie, betray, and almost get killed several times, the City of Light is the place to do it.
Obama Blames ATMs for Unemployment, Rather than Himself
Casting around for someone or something to blame other than himself for long-term unemployment, President Barack Obama told NBC News
that one culprit is automated telling machines (ATMs), which are taking jobs from bank tellers, according to Fox Nation.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Half-Empty Fundraiser Ominous Sign for Obama's Reelection
A rather stark reminder of the lack of enthusiasm the grassroots have toward the reelection of President Barack Obama was illustrated when the president
played to a half-empty hall at a fundraiser in Miami, reports Politico.
Thatcher's Snub of Palin Overblown, Incorrect
When the British newspaper The Guardian announced that former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had snubbed Sarah Palin's request for a private meeting, Palin haters on the left and right erupted in joy.
In GOP Debate, Gingrich Calls NASA a 'Bureaucracy' that 'Can't Innovate'
Rand Simberg offers a somewhat disingenuous defense of Gingrich which leaves out a lot of facts.
That was the Bush plan. The Obama plan substituted a program of massive government subsidies for commercial space, similar to what the president wants for high speed rail, and a crippled, neutered space exploration program with uncertain goals, inadequate funding, and no clear leadership. Rand also fails to note that Gingrich is against any NASA directed space exploration program.
Rand Simberg offers a somewhat disingenuous defense of Gingrich which leaves out a lot of facts.
The new policy does effectively kill government-run spaceflight to the ISS. But critics have drawn the grand and hyperbolic inference from this simple fact that the Obama administration proposes to end all government-funded human spaceflight, when in fact the intent was to let competitive commercial enterprise take over the now-mundane (after 50 years) task of getting people to and from orbit, and refocus NASA on the hard stuff — getting humans beyond earth orbit.
That was the Bush plan. The Obama plan substituted a program of massive government subsidies for commercial space, similar to what the president wants for high speed rail, and a crippled, neutered space exploration program with uncertain goals, inadequate funding, and no clear leadership. Rand also fails to note that Gingrich is against any NASA directed space exploration program.
Latest Poll Shows Encouraging Results for Palin in Swing States
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who has had terrible poll numbers for the past few months, has some good news to look at in state-by-state numbers taken by the Public Policy Polling organization.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Obama Plans to Share Missile Defense Secrets, Authority with Russia Appeasement
According to an article by James Woolsey and Rebeccah Heinrichs in Foreign Policy, the Obama administration is anxious to share with Russia some of the most sensitive missile defense secrets in the possession of the United States military.
Having actually bothered to call Baroness Thatcher's office, Nile Gardiner of the Telegraph finds that Thatcher did not snub Sarah Palin.
'Bump in the Road' Ad Powerful Indictment of Obama Economic Policies
Say what you will about Mitt Romney's less than solid conservative record. However, he has proved able to raise baskets full of money. In turn, that money has allowed Romney to buy a well-produced and powerful ad known as "Bump in the Road."
Latest Revelation from Palin Emails: She is Literate in English
One of the more shocking discoveries found in the Sarah Palin emails is how clear and concise her writing is. Palin scores an 8.2 or 8.5 depending on which scale is used, basically an eighth grade level, according to AOL.
Recap: 'Game of Thrones,' Season 1, Episode 9, 'Baelor'
In "Game of Thrones," Season 1, Episode 9, "Baelor," violence and death spread throughout the land, presaging the death of dynasties and the fall and rise of nations. The story is careening toward a climax.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
First Post-Shooting Pictures of Gabrielle Giffords Released; Time to Resign?
The first pictures of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords since the shooting have been released to the public. One shows a gaunt, short-haired, but smiling woman outside the Texas rehab facility where she has been staying for the past few months.
Obama Coal Regulations to Boost Price of Electricity as Much as 60 Percent by 2014
President Barack Obama, while still a candidate, promised he would bankrupt the coal industry. According to the Chicago Tribune, it looks like this will be a rare promise that Obama will actually keep.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
'Super 8' is a 1970s Science Fiction/Horror/Thriller Plunked into the 21st Century
"Super 8" is an attempt to not only make a science fiction/horror/thriller movie set in the late 1970s, but to infuse it with late 1970s sensibilities as if taken out of time and plunked down into the 21st Century. It works better than it has a right to.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Media Continue Love-Hate Relationship with Palin Over Email Frenzy
Sarah Palin's emails from her time as governor of Alaska have been released, and apparently the media are treating them as if they had gotten a later day version of the Pentagon Papers or the secret Watergate tapes.
'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' Turns 25; Adult Sequel Mandatory
"Ferris Bueller's Day Off" was one of John Hughes' best 1980s teen comedies. It starred Mathew Broderick as the smart aleck, scheming teenager who employed all sorts of machinations to skip school one final day and have adventures instead.
Obama Stabs U.K. in the Back in Falkland Islands Dispute
In what Sarah Palin will doubtless call another "WTF moment" in Obama foreign policy, the White House has decided to demand that Great Britain open negotiations with Argentina over the Falkland Islands, according to the Telegraph.
Elizabeth Edwards' Testimony from Beyond the Grave Should Sink Disgraced Husband
While the country is being entertained by the Anthony Weiner Twitter sex scandal, America's other sex scandal, that involving John Edwards, the former senator, vice presidential candidate, and presidential candidate, has a new twist.
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Why the Gurkhas Will Dominate French Foreign Legion on 'Deadliest Warrior'
"Deadliest Warrior" has announced the latest contest for Season 3. It seems that the Spike TV show will be matching a detachment of the French Foreign Legion against Great Britain's famed Gurkhas.
Loss of Staff Only Exacerbates Weaknesses of Gingrich Campaign
Almost the entire campaign staff for Newt Gingrich resigned Thursday. As of this writing, the reason is not readily apparent, but, considering the somewhat erratic behavior of the former speaker as a candidate so far, it can be guessed at.
New Polls Show Sarah Palin's Path to Victory in 2012
Two recent polls illustrate what Sarah Palin is looking at should she decide to run for president. The varying results illustrate the uncertain nature of polling seven months before the first caucus and 17 before the general election.
Obama Blunder Hands Palestinians No Clear Options in Advance of UN Vote
The Palestinian Authority finds itself in something of a conundrum, thanks mainly to President Obama's bungling in attempting to forge an Israeli/Palestinian peace agreement, reports the Associated Press. The path ahead may lead to more violence in the Middle East.
'South Park' Explores Growing Pains, Feces
"South Park," Season 15, Episode 7, "You're Getting Old" is a heart-warming, bittersweet story of growing up, growing old, and growing apart. Oh, and it has flatulence and, for lack of a more decorous term, excrement in it.
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
'Deadliest Warrior' Should Favor Cortez Over Ivan the Terrible
"Deadliest Warrior" has announced the latest matchup between great warriors of history for Season 3. In one corner is Ivan the Terrible, the czar of All the Russias. In the other corner is Hernan Cortez, conqueror of Mexico.
Dennis Wingo goes toe to toe with three of America's greatest space heroes about the Obama space policy. While Wingo certainly does not lack for stones in taking Apollo moonwalkers to task, his case for Obamaspace is unconvincing. He is specific about some of the problems that plagued the Constellation program, but is not very specific as to why he thinks what replaced it will do all the glorious things that he claims it will. Sadly, Obama ended (or tried to end) Constellation in a fit of caprice and did not subtitute anything subsantial aside from a crony capitalist, space industrial policy style commercial space program and a vaguely defined mission to an asteroid. Wingo and other defenders of Obamaspace need to face up to the fact that we are not only on the wrong path, we are not on any path at all. Our approach to commercial space and space exploration needs to be totally and thoroughly revamped. Otherwise we have little to look forward to but political wrangling and program drift.
Will 2011 Be a Repeat of 1937?
Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist who writes for the New York Times, sees some ominous parallels between 2011 and 1937, when the Great Depression took a turn for the worse. But Amity Shlaes thinks Krugman is oversimplifying.
Tom Selleck Almost Played Indiana Jones in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' 30 Years Ago
Thirty years ago (and it seems just like yesterday), "Raiders of the Lost Ark" premiered, and one of the most iconic characters in movie history -- with a hat, a whip, and an attitude -- strode onto the big screen to do battle with Nazis and an assortment of other villains.
Recap: 'Covert Affairs,' Season 2, Episode 1, 'Begin the Begin'
"Covert Affairs," Season 2, Episode 1, "Begin the Begin" finds Annie and Ben taking their ease in a Guam hospital while Ben recovers from his wound. That lasts just a few minutes before black-clad assassins come a calling.
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Airport 'Check Point of the Future' Prototype on Display in Singapore
The International Air Transport Association is displaying what it calls the "Checkpoint of the Future" at the Singapore Airport. It holds the promise of the end of the onerous and sometimes degrading security protocols airline passengers must endure, according to the Associated Press.
Comedian Continues tide of Anti-Palin, Republican Blood Sport
Just a few short months after Sarah Palin was basically accused of being complicit in the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords because of a piece of campaign literature, the former governor of Alaska finds herself in the crosshairs.
Media Machine Continues Assault on Palin for Paul Revere Comments
The controversy surrounding Sarah Palin and what she said about Paul Revere "warning the British" continues to roil. In the face of incontrovertible evidence that Palin was correct, many people are still not prepared to concede the point.
Monday, June 06, 2011
Weiner Twitter Affair Perfect Scandal for Internet Age
Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., held a press conference at the Sheraton Hotel in Midtown Manhattan Monday in which he admitted that he had sent a picture of his crotch via Twitter to a woman in Seattle and then lied about it.
Hillary Clinton Would Make Intriguing Fox News Pundit
Roger Ailes, the president of Fox News, mentioned an intriguing possibility during an interview with the Daily Beast's Howard Kurtz. Ailes would like to hire Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a Fox News analyst.
DNC Chair Plays Race Card with Jim Crow Comments
DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz continues to entertain. While appearing on TV One's "Washington Watch," she accused Republicans of "literally" wanting to reinstate the Jim Crow Laws that denied African Americans civil rights, according to Politico.
Is James Cameron Preparing to Voyage Around the Moon?
Also, Alan Boyle has the same surmise about Cameron making a space movie.
Also, Alan Boyle has the same surmise about Cameron making a space movie.
Airport Security Privatization Unlikely to Pass Despite Cost Effectiveness
The Transportation Security Administration, which has already been embroiled in controversy for the "enhanced pat downs," which some people consider sexual assaults, on airline passengers, has caused a dispute with Congress over the Screening Partnership Program.
Recap: 'Game of Thrones,' 'The Pointy End'
In "Game of Thrones," Season 1, Episode 8, "The Pointy End," the aftermath of the death of King Robert and the arrest of Lord Eddard continues. Lannisterian men attack Lord Eddard's home on Kings Landing, killing almost everyone.
Sunday, June 05, 2011
Newsweek Cover Highlights Mitt Romney's Mormonism
Newsweek, in its cover story on former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, is perhaps being just a little too cute in how it depicts Romney on its cover. The cover and apparently the story highlights Romney's Mormonism to a great degree, according to Newsbusters.
Saturday, June 04, 2011
'Foreskin Man' Comic Book Suggests Anti-Semitic Motive for Anti Circumcision Ban
In a new twist in the drive to ban circumcision in San Francisco, a San Diego group which is supporting the move has produced a comic book that seems to hearken back to the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in its vicious anti Semitism.
'X-Men: First Class' Entertains While Mangling History
Setting "X-Men: First Class," the origin of the Marvel Comics super hero mutants, in historical events has its charms and its perils. The perils, of course, consist of getting the history a little wrong, involvement by mutants aside.
Friday, June 03, 2011
MI6 Undertakes Inspired Sabotage with 'Operation Cupcake'
Never let it be said that the cyberspies at MI6, the British foreign intelligence service, lack a sense of humor. Recently, they hacked into the computer files of an Al Qaida English language magazine and did a few editorial alterations.
York, Limbaugh, Levin Defend Palin Against Krauthammer Attacks
In the wake of Charles Krauthammer's attack on the "schooling" of former governor and potential presidential candidate Sarah Palin, three conservative commentators have sprung to her defense.
Assisted Suicide, 'Death Panels' Collide with Kevorkian's Passing
Dr. Jack Kevorkian, known in popular parlance as "Dr. Death," has himself died due to pulmonary thrombosis when a blood clot broke free from his leg and lodged in his heart, the Detroit Free Press reports. He is said to have died peacefully.
High Unemployment Numbers Bad News for Jobless, President Obama
The Labor Department is reporting that the unemployment rate has shot up to 9.1 percent, with only 54,000 jobs created, Reuters reports. Blame has been placed on the Japanese tsunami and its after effects, tornadoes in the Midwest, and high energy prices.
Scorsese Challenges Himself with Richard Burton/Elizabeth Taylor Love Story
Martin Scorsese, the director of such films as "Gangs of New York," "Casino," and "Taxi Driver," is now mulling a film depicting the love story of actors Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor.
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Obama Won't Be Attacked for Aerial Hunting Strategy Like Palin Was
The Obama administration has taken note of a problem with feral pigs causing havoc in San Diego County, posing a threat to the environment and public health. Hunting does not seem to be doing the job.
Will Obama's Disdain for American Exceptionalism Doom His Reelection Chances?
Nile Gardiner, writing for the UK Telegraph, suggests that President Barack Obama is headed for an electoral disaster in 2012. This runs counter not to the conventional wisdom on both sides of the Atlantic.
Charles Krauthammer Espouses Snobbery, Willful Ignorance about Palin
Also, Palin fires a shot at Romneycare on Bunker Hill.
Charles Krauthammer is one of the most respected conservative pundits in the United States. His opinions are, on the whole, well-reasoned and sound. That makes his invective against Sarah Palin all the more vexing.
Also, Palin fires a shot at Romneycare on Bunker Hill.
'South Park' Skewers Asian Stereotypes, Mental Illness
In "South Park," Season 15, Episode 6, "City Sushi," Mr. Lu Kim, the proprietor of City Wok, discovers to his horror that a Japanese eatery called City Sushi has opened next door. Mayhem and hilarity ensue.
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Gil Scott-Heron and His 'Whitey on the Moon' Rant Against the Apollo Moon Landing
Gil Scott-Heron, whom some considered the greatest living blues singer, is no longer living, having died at the age of 62. He is said to have influenced later hip hop and rap artists with his work dating from the 1960s.
Washington Vs. Napoleon Will Be Interesting 'Deadliest Warrior' Match
"Deadliest Warrior" has announced another interesting matchup for Season 3 of the series. In one corner, Gen. George Washington of the Continental Army; in the other corner, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte of the Grand Army of France.
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