Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Man from Mars -- Chapter Five
Former NASA Official, Astronaut Urge China Partnership in ISS
'Covert Affairs' Season 3 Ends with a Rescue, a Resolution, Sex, and a Big Question
Spacecraft tracking facility to be built in Brownsville
Ron Paul Blames the Gaza Conflict on Israel, American Middle East Policy
If Obamacare Falls on Religious Liberty Grounds, Obama Has Only Himself to Blame
Barack Obama is Not 'Our Lord and Savior'
Abuse of Tracking Technology in San Antonio, Saudi Arabia Raises Concerns
Fallout of Texas Secession 'Fever' Include a Middle Name, a Bumper Sticker, and an Old Novel
NASA, Los Alamos researchers test new space nuclear power system

Monday, November 26, 2012

NASA, Russia Choose Astronaut, Cosmonaut for Year Long Space Mission
Matthew Dowd and Ken Burns: Liberals Behaving Badly on the Sunday Talk Shows
Avoid the Fiscal Cliff by Repealing Obamacare
Election 2016: Not Bush vs. Clinton, but Palin vs. Biden
Mursi Ends Egypt's Experiment in Democracy, Much to Obama's Consternation
What to Do with J.R. Ewing Now that Larry Hagman is Dead?
Banning Killer Robots May Not Be a Good Idea, or Even Possible
Will Obama's EPA Kill Fracking, Hence the Economic Recovery?
Ironically, Falling Over Fiscal Cliff to Fall Heaviest on Obama States
Susan Rice Should Be Criticized Without Recourse to the Race or Gender Card
Marco Rubio Must Be Vilified and 'Palinized'

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Saturday, November 17, 2012

For all you fans of the Twilight series of books and movies, a different kind of vampire, Gabriella Doria

Charlotte Allen makes the case for Sarah Palin running for president in 2016. She's pretty much hated by the establishment. But we ran with their candidate and now see how that turned out.
'Skyfall' Brings James Bond Back Full Circle

Thursday, November 15, 2012

This is how missile defense works.

NASA, SpaceX Work to Fix Anomalies from Last Dragon Cargo Flight
Ron Paul Gives His Farewell Address, Touting His Views on Freedom
The Roles of Susan Rice and David Petraeus in Obama's Benghazi Scandal
Nancy Pelosi Clings to Power, to the Detriment of House Democrats
Report: commercial astronauts may beat NASA and China back to the moon by 2020

Addendum: Predictably Rand Simberg has gone orgasmic.

If this is true, it’s going to make it harder for NASA to justify SLS. Or even being in the human spaceflight business at all. We’ll soon see, perhaps. December isn’t far off.

Actually, no. Rand did not quote the part of the article that suggested that the current thinking on space exploration involves heavy lift and fuel depots. We don't have any details about the venture or who is involved. So it is a little premature to predict the death of NASA as a space exploration agency.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Scientists Develop Genetically Modified Tomato that Treats Heart Disease
The Best Way to Fix a Relationship After an Election is Not to Break It
Report: NASA May Be Headed on a Mission Near the Moon
By Passing Prop 30, California Votes to Commit Economic Suicide
Rand Simberg is spinning fairy tales of secret plans to scrap the heavy lift Space Launch System in favor of the latest scheme to put more money into Elon Musk's pocket, fuel depots in space supplied by "commercial" launches. If such a plan were to even be proposed it would be proof (if it was needed) that space policy under Obama is driven by politics and graft. But it would not fly otherwise because (a) it's unworkable and much more expensive and risky than some people pretend and (b) Congress will never go for it.
What If Sarah Palin Had Run?
'South Park' Episode 14, Season 16, 'Obama Wins!' a Balm for Electoral Disappointment
Three Republicans vie for chairmanship of the House Science Committee
Bebionic Bionic Hand Helps Amputees Perform Everyday Tasks