Random thoughts on politics, current events, popular culture, and whatever else interests me.
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Friday, September 28, 2018
"The Senate Subcommittee on Space, Science, and Competitiveness recently held a hearing entitled, “Global Space Race: Ensuring the United States Remains the Leader in Space.” As is his privilege as the ranking member of the full Senate Commerce Committee, Florida Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson, attended the hearing.
"Nelson was seen schmoozing with NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, the sole witness, before the hearing and participated for just a few minutes during the proceedings before departing for some other appointment.
"Nelson also left an opening statement that had some very interesting things to say about Bridenstine."
Thursday, September 27, 2018
The Japanese have achieved a space first: exploring an asteroid up close.
The Japanese Space Agency probe, the Hayabusa 2, arrived in the vicinity of an Earth-approaching asteroid called 162173 Ryugu in June. The mission achieved a greater milestone on Sept. 21 when it deployed two “rovers” on the surface of the asteroid that are currently hopping about, taking images and temperature readings.
Above and Beyond Official Trailer 1 (2015) - Documentary HD
I saw this gem of a documentary by Steven Spielberg's younger sister last night. Well worth it.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
The campaign website for Professor Anthony Pappas
Monday, September 24, 2018
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Friday, September 21, 2018
“First Man,” the upcoming movie about Neil Armstrong and the first landing on the moon, touched off a bitter battle in the culture wars when it was noted that the iconic flag raising on the lunar surface had been deliberately left out.
The moment that Yasaku Maezawa bounded into view during the SpaceX-sponsored press conference, the world knew that a different kind of space traveler had appeared. “I can now say it,” Maezawa proclaimed with enthusiasm. “I choose to go to the moon!”
Addendum: SpaceX’s Moon Trip Is the Ultimate Artist Residency
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Monday, September 17, 2018
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Late Show Conspiracy Theories With Neil deGrasse Tyson
Neil deGrasse Tyson vs. moon landing hoax conspiracy theory.
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Friday, September 14, 2018
It’s finally confirmed: Water exists on the moon.
The importance of water on the moon, some of it easily extractable, cannot be overstated. Water mined from the moon need not be transported from Earth at great expense. The water can be used for drinking, agriculture, and other purposes by future lunar settlers.
Even more important, water can be refined into liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, the components of rocket fuel.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Monday, September 10, 2018
Recently a writer named Caroline Haskins published a piece in the Outline, a New York-based media platform, with the somewhat provocative title “The Racist Language of Space Exploration.”
The piece has elicited much eye-rolling on social media and at least one rebuttal in Reason Magazine. The arguments in the article will be all too familiar to those who were forced to read “A People’s History of the United States” by the bad historian and Marxist scholar Howard Zinn while in school.
Sunday, September 09, 2018
The money quote: "Mindful of its global audience, Hollywood has been steadily de-Americanising space.
Saturday, September 08, 2018
If, as many hope, President Donald Trump’s push to return Americans to the moon comes to fruition, the NASA portion of the Lunar Base will be named the Paul Spudis Lunar Science Center if there is any justice. If any one person can be said to have caused America to once again, for the third time in a generation, set out for the moon, it is Dr. Paul Spudis, who recently died suddenly from complications of lung cancer.
Friday, September 07, 2018
Thursday, September 06, 2018
Wednesday, September 05, 2018
Tuesday, September 04, 2018
One of the more amusing aspects about the flag flap from “First Man,” the upcoming biop of Neil Armstrong, is how the filmmakers seem to have forgotten the first rule of holes: When one is in a hole, stop digging.
Monday, September 03, 2018
"But historically speaking, taking out the U.S. flag from the very scene that blasts “American Exceptionalism” at a time of Cold War racing against the evil Soviets is not only a snub to those tied to this great patriotic moment in time — but it’s almost a gift to today’s Russia. It sends the message that this country has so far moved past the U.S.-U.S.S.R. days of frigid relations, foreign subterfuge and spy-versus-spy-type behaviors that today’s America is willing to go the extra mile and drop that whole silly pride-in-nation thing."
Sunday, September 02, 2018
While most people seem to approve of President Trump’s renewed push for space exploration, starting with a return to the moon and then going to Mars, either believing it to be either a priority or at least important things to do, according to a Pew Poll, not everyone agrees. The opponents of exploring the heavens, who have been with us since the dawn of the space program, have started coming out of the woodwork like unquiet ghosts to annoy the living.