Thursday, February 29, 2024

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The Moon, Mars, and Beyond: Two Tales from the Coming Space Age #CommissionEarned
For the folks at Intutive Machines, from one of my favorite poems:

T is not too late to seek a newer world.

Push off, and sitting well in order smite

The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds

To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths

Of all the western stars, until I die.

It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:

It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,

And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.

Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'

We are not now that strength which in old days

Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;

One equal temper of heroic hearts,

Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

From Ulysses by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Odysseus still lives and will for another 10 to 20 hours.
Prof: Liking Taylor Swift Is Racist

So if you hate Taylor Swift, you're a fascist but if you like her you're a racist. There's no winning with some people. Also, Lena Dunham? Ewww, gross!

Sunday, February 25, 2024

I got a chance to see the movie Oppenheimer, based on the book American Prometheus, and I have to say that I was less than impressed. The time jumping was confusing, to say the least. Too little about building the bomb and too much on the main character’s “persecution” for flirting with communism. His constant terror of a global thermonuclear war would have had more resonance in the 1980s than the present day. The movie was about an hour too long too.
The first US moon landing in decades validates NASA’s commercial goals

Shortly after 1 a.m. EST on Feb. 15, the second attempt of a commercial lunar landing mission lifted off on board a SpaceX Falcon 9. The Nova-C lander, also dubbed the Odysseus, successfully landed near the lunar south pole on Thursday.

(This article was turned in before the news that the Nova-C had actually landed on its side. So far, the Hill has not updated the piece to reflect this fact. I hope that this will happen in due course. In the meantime, my apologies. )

(The update has been made thanks to my esteemed editor.)

The Gabriella Doria Stories (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
Guess who likes the Intuitive Machines commercial lunar lander?

For the first time in over 50 years, an American spacecraft landed on the Moon – made possible by American ingenuity, innovation, and curiosity. Congratulations to the teams at NASA and Intuitive Machines on this thrilling step forward. We're leading the world back to the Moon.

More from the White House.

Children of Apollo (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
About that Moon Lander! What’s Up?

I just turned in my piece to @thehill that will cover the @Int_Machines moon landing. But a couple of observations in advance The last minute scramble to upload a software patch to bring the NASA lidar hardware on line was a moment of high drama. It also proves that CLPS is a partnership between the space agency and the new space commercial companies. The biggest loser of the @Int_Machines moon landing has to be Russia's Vladimir Putin. Russia's failed moon landing contrasts with the American success. Putin needs to learn that national greatness resides in space and not ill-advised military adventures.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

IM-1 Mission Completes Lunar Orbit Insertion and Enters Lunar Orbit
The Search for Reagan: The Appealing Intellectual Conservatism of Ronald Reagan #CommissionEarnned
The Moon, Mars, and Beyond: Two Tales from the Coming Space Age @CommissionEarned

Monday, February 19, 2024

How new space race threatens to turn the Moon into the next 'Wild West' - as competition for resources could see nations turn their gaze to the stars

The Three Littlee Pigs as told by Shakespeare

Axiom 3’s return to Earth comes with a potential cancer breakthrough

Recently, a crew of commercial astronauts on the Ax-3 mission returned to Earth after a period of performing experiments on the International Space Station with a possible new cancer treatment.

The Gabriella Doria Stories (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
Children of Apollo (3 book series) #CommissionEarned

Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Moon, Mars, and Beyond: Two Tales from the Coming Space Age #CommissionEarned
How Texas nuclear power can restore American energy dominance

Nuclear power has gotten a bad reputation, thanks to high-profile accidents at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and most recently Fukushima. However, both environmentalists and energy investors have begun to notice that nuclear power has certain advantages that both renewables (solar and wind) and fossil fuel plants lack.

Attack and Defense Thoughts on a 10/7 style attack on America

The Attack #CommissionEarned

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Theory seen on social media. Mary Poppins was a Q (like the character on Star Trek.) Others argue that, no, she's a Time Lord (Lady?)
Commercializing Mars exploration could be NASA’s best bet

Still, it is not too early to start discussions on how humans can cross the interplanetary gulfs to Mars in a cost-effective manner. Congress could hold a hearing or two. NASA can start discussions with potential commercial partners about how they could enable the long-dreamed but long-delayed crewed mission to Mars.

The Moon, Mars, and Beyond: Two Tales from the Coming Space Age #CommissionEarned
Frustrated by the constraints of Earth, a team of California scientists took tumor research to space—and may have discovered a ‘kill switch’ for cancer
Was Alzheimer’s almost nonexistent in Greek and Roman times? Why this devastating disease may be a modern plague
Trump’s revival of a US missile defense plan is a job for the Space Force

Recently, while campaigning in New Hampshire, former President Donald Trump proposed reviving an oldie but goodie from the Reagan era. He said, “I will build an Iron Dome over our country, a state-of-the-art missile defense shield made in the USA. We do it for other countries. We help other countries, we build, we don’t do it for ourselves.”

Trump invoked the spirit of Reagan when he went on to say, “You know, Reagan proposed that many years ago, Star Wars. He proposed it many, many years ago. But at that time, there was no technology. It was just, like, it looked good. But we have unbelievable technology. We should have then.”

The Gabriella Doria Stories (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
Arizona bill would make Pluto the official state PLANET. “A bunch of Europeans got mad that we made this discovery and downgraded it to a dwarf planet.”
Trump on Ukraine (Not an appeaser)
A Brother on the Moon #CommissionEarned

It's Black History Month, but what about Black Alternate History Month?

On a December day in 1967, a pilot whose jet fighter is in the process of cracking up ejects a moment sooner and therefore lives when he otherwise might have died. A life that would have ended on the tarmac at Edwards Air Force Base continues on. Six years later, Major Robert Lawrence, United States Air Force, becomes the first black American to walk on the Moon.