Sunday, June 30, 2024

China’s latest lunar success includes a swipe at America

The Chang’e 6 lunar sample return probe has returned with its precious cargo from the far side of the moon. The successful mission is another small step on the long march to a Chinese crewed lunar landing.

The Gabriella Doria Stories (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
Children of Apollo (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
Impossible to Ignore: Creating Memorable Content to Influence Decisions #CommissionEarned
Why is America Going Back to the Moon (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) #CommissionEarned
The Moon, Mars, and Beyond: Two Tales from the Coming Space Age #CommissiomEarned
The Second Giant Leap for Mankind: This is from a few months ago from the War College, but look who got cited in this excellent paper.
How wine and chocolate can fuel Earth’s interplanetary travels

Research on the International Space Station has shown that long-term exposure to microgravity has ill effects on the human body, including muscle atrophy, bone density loss and vision problems. Humans also start losing their immune system if they spend too much time in microgravity, according to a study by Princeton University and the Buck Institute, as mentioned in the UK Telegraph.

Fortunately, two things humans have enjoyed consuming on Earth for centuries will go a long way toward limiting the ill effects space travel has on the human immune system: red wine and dark chocolate.

The Gabriella Doria Stories (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
Children of Apollo (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe #CommissionEarned
Why is America Going Back to the Moon (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) #CommissionEarned
Why is it So Hard to Go Back to the Moon? (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) #CommissionEarned
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there, especially my own. Dad, I hope the afterlife is as wonderful as they say it is.
Starship’s live-streamed Test 4 is a giant leap toward our lunar future

If Test 3 of the SpaceX Starship was “awesome,” Test 4 of Elon Musk’s super rocket, which took place on June 5, was on another level that looked like something from science fiction happening in the real world. For the most part, the fourth test met the objectives for the launch vehicle that promises to take humans back to the moon, on to Mars, and beyond.

The Gabriella Doria Stories (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
Children of Apollo (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
Watch Out, Wall Street: Could Texas become the new center of finance?
Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me: Debunking the False Narratives Defining America's School Curricula #CommissionEarned
Why is America Going Back to the Moon (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) #CommissionEarned
The Moon, Mars, and Beyond: Two Tales from the Coming Space Age #CommissionEarned
The Fall of Germany’s Greens: European voters are souring on the costs of net-zero climate policies
Why is it So Hard to Go Back to the Moon? (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) #CommissionEarned
Blaming Israel for Rescuing Its People; Hamas hid four hostages in a crowded civilian area and fired on rescuers.
A Politically Made Insurance Panic: Auto and home rates are soaring, and the causes include inflation and lawsuit abuse.

Sunday, June 09, 2024

EPCOT to unveil veteran-inspired art exhibit painted by George W. Bush - I think Disney is trying to get back on the right side of the culture wars.
Boeing’s Starliner is ready for human flight, but is it too late?

Nothing better illustrates how snakebit the Boeing CST-100 Starliner has been than the number of times it has failed to launch.

Kristen Stewart To Play Astronaut Sally Ride As Amazon MGM Studios Nears Limited Series Deal For ‘The Challenger’

This looks promising, but Kristin Stewart? She can't act her way out of a paper bag.

The Gabriella Doria Stories (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
Six reasons to be cheerful about Britain's future - no matter how gloomy you feel as the nation limps towards the ballot box again…
Children of Apollo (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
The New Era of Space Skepticism Is a Revolt Against Elites

Well worth reading as the piece soundly debunks this "skepticism."

Jimmy Carter’s True Legacy Is Disastrous Antisemitism

Carter famously taught Bible lessons in his church. But published transcripts reveal a distressing, raw, theological hostility to Jews and modern Israel. Carter views modern Israel through an odd New Testament tunnel-vision, obsessively focused on the refusal of powerful Roman-era Jews to accept Jesus as their messiah (instead they “decided to kill him”) and the resulting forfeiture of Jewish national and covenantal rights. He projects disparaging characterizations of Jews from 2,000 years ago onto today’s Israel, teaching that Jews despise Christians as “dogs.” Does that sound like any Sunday school you attended?

Why is America Going Back to the Moon (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) #CommissionEarned
The Moon, Mars, and Beyond: Two Tales from the Coming Space Age #CommissionEarned
Why is it So Hard to Go Back to the Moon? (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) #CommissionEarned

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Finding a Dyson sphere could be our first contact with alien life

Recently, according to Live Science, the results of two scientific studies have been released that could, if verified, prove the existence of advanced alien civilizations elsewhere in the universe capable of building megastructures called Dyson spheres. Such a confirmation would be the most significant in the history of the world.

The Gabriella Doria Stories (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
Children of Apollo (3 book series) #CommissionEarned