Children of Apollo (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
Schlieffen Alternate: Book 1 of the WW1 Alternate Series #CommissionEarned
Why is America Going Back to the Moon (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) #CommissionEarned
The Moon, Mars, and Beyond: Two Tales from the Coming Space Age #CommissionEarned
Why is it So Hard to Go Back to the Moon? (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) #CommissionEarned
NASA can save its VIPER rover with private-sector help

When NASA canceled its Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) project, it reached out to private companies to see if anyone in the commercial sector could complete the mission. Several companies have responded, including Intuitive Machines of Houston.

The Gabriella Doria Stories (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
Children of Apollo (3 book series) #CommissionEarned

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I had a nice conversation last night on The Space Show podcast.
Why is America Going Back to the Moon (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) #CommissionEarned

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Finding Eden by Skylab astronaut Joe Kerwin #CommissionEarned
I will be on The Space Show podcast this evening.

We welcome back space journalist and author MARK WHITTINGTON. Today @ 7PM PDT, 10 PM EDT. Listen @….Mark @ 1-866-687-7223.

The Space Cadets for Harris livestream was as cringey as you thought it would be

Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign has been so addicted to identity politics that it has sliced and diced various groups to support her quest for the White House. White Dudes for Harris and Evangelicals for Harris are two recent examples.

However, the cringiest of all of these groups has to be Space Cadets for Harris, which recently held their fundraising livestream (which starts at 51:30 in the linked video). (Addendum: It now starts at the beginning of the video.

The Moon, Mars, and Beyond: Two Tales from the Coming Space Age #CommissionEarned

Ayn Rand on Donahue 1979

Phil Donahue has passed. Here is one of the more interesting episodes of his iconic talk show, for obvious reasons.

Why is it So Hard to Go Back to the Moon? (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) #CommissionEarned
Everybody’s talking about space debris, but who will take action?

Government space agencies and private corporations have been worried about space debris for many years. Decades of launching satellites into space without thinking about what happens once they reach the end of their operational lives have created a serious problem.

The Gabriella Doria Stories (3 book series) #CommissionEarned

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Tuesday morning will see my analysis of the Space Cadets 4 Harris livestream. Enjoy.
Children of Apollo (3 book series) #CommissionEarned

Friday, August 16, 2024

Apparently, Jerri Ryan, aka Seven of Nine of Star Trek fame, will be speaking at the Space Cadets for Harris zoom call, That explains it. Kamala Harris is the Borg Queen.
Why is America Going Back to the Moon (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) @CommissionEarned
The Moon, Mars, and Beyond: Two Tales from the Coming Space Age #CommissionEarned

Monday, August 12, 2024

Why is it So Hard to Go Back to the Moon? (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) #CommissionEarned

Sunday, August 11, 2024

What space policy could look like after the 2024 election

Space policy is not on the ballot for 2024. No matter who wins the presidential election, former President Donald Trump or Vice President Kamala Harris, we should not expect any abrupt changes in the direction of America’s space efforts, especially regarding the Artemis program.

Nevertheless, whoever gets sworn in on Jan. 20 is going to face some monumental challenges going forward.

The Gabriella Doria Stories (3 book series) @CommissionEarned
Children of Apollo (3 book series) #CommissionEarned

Friday, August 09, 2024

Why is America Going Back to the Moon (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) #CommissionEarned

The moon has held a fascination with Americans ever since President John F. Kennedy threw down the gauntlet and challenged the Soviet Union to a race to land a man on Earth’s neatest neighbor and return him safely to the Earth. 60 years later, a different president of the United States, Donald Trump, proposed that Americans and astronauts from American allies return to the moon. Trump’s Artemis project, unlike previous attempts to return to the moon, looks like it actually may succeed. Why does American want to return to the moon? Is it science? Is it riches? Is it glory? Or, perhaps, it is a combination of the three. Mark R. Whittington, author of Why is it so Hard to Go Back to the Moon and Children of Apollo, seeks to answer that question in Why is America Going Back to the Moon.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

The Moon, Mars, and Beyond: Two Tales from the Coming Space Age #CommissionEarned
CNN Attacks Man for Saving Women: He Broke Sharia Law Under Taliban

This is like attacking Schindler or Raul Wallenberg for violating Nazi laws by saving Jews from the Holocaust

Why is it So Hard to Go Back to the Moon? (How America went to the moon, stopped, and is returning again) #CommissionEarned
Why SpaceX is running away with the commercial space race

SpaceX, the company founded by Elon Musk, is beating the competition hands down for NASA contracts. That includes the old-line aerospace companies such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin and its fellow new space startups.

The Gabriella Doria Stories (3 book series) #CommissionEarned
Children of Apollo (3 book series)#CommissionEarned