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Here is my hot take on the latest episode of “For All Mankind.” President Teddy Kennedy has caused a sex scandal by having an affair with a White House staffer named Mary Jo Kopechne, whom he left to die in a submerged car in our timeline. (Question: Is she going to have an unexpected accident?)
In the meantime, Teddy’s FBI is trying to hunt down and expose gay people inside the space program.
Also, the current crew of the Jamestown lunar base is trapped on the moon and is slowly going stir crazy. This situation is Teddy’s fault as well. He awarded a contract for a crucial part of the Saturn V to an incompetent company in order to bribe a governor to support the Equal Rights Amendment. As a result, a Saturn V turned into a fireball on the pad, killing 12 people, including Gene Kranz. Failure is indeed an option when corruption rules the highest office in the land.